Today, Brayden is 15 months old and growing fast!
He is a little chatter box and not shy(most of the time). He is doing this squealing thing now too. Hopefully, it will go away when he can talk more. His favorite word is "that". Other words are "gee" for Wrigley(our dog), "baseball"(instead of just ball) "thank you"(of course it's not that clear, but we understand it). He is eating table food really well, there's NOT much that he doesn't like. He loves raviolli, potatoes, rice, ham, tomatoes, cheese, cheese puffs, goldfish, fuit loops and animal crackers-just to name a few. He is a little monkey...loves to climb on everything! His favorite toy is a ball, it doesn't matter what kind or how big-he can spot one a mile away. We have to avoid walking by them in Walmart! =) He loves to ride the 4-wheeler and the golf cart. Most of the time he falls asleep on them- i guess because he has to be still! He's an active little one! We are still enjoying every minute of it!