This weekend, my inlaws came into town along with The Moore's. We had a house full, but we had a good time. Friday night I got to visit with some friends of mine from college. I had not seen some of them in 4 years! It was great to see everyone. Out of 11, 5 of us have children and 1 on the way. We got to visit with the kids Saturday. I wish everyone lived closer so we could get together more often. The kids are so close in age (2 years - 6 months). I will post some pictures below. Saturday night, we got to meet up with the Longs(Ms. Sue, Mr. Larry, Celeste, Lee, Gabe, and Jenny) at Marty's Steakhouse. We were planning on going to a new steakhouse in town, but it was a 2 hour wait! Sunday was Celeste's baby shower. She got lots of great things. Baby Rowe will be here before we know it! We can't wait to see him!

Ashley, Brayden, and Tori

Ashley and Anna-Claire, Erin and Jake

Becky and Asher

Eating at the Grill with all the babie

The Edmiston's and The Long's
The Moore's and the Gillis'
Gabe and Jenny